More Used Car Buyers Make A White Turn
Released on: August 08, 2011, 4:25 pm
ACF Car Finance
Industry: Automotive
White cars are in the fashion fast-lane among second-hand
buyers, according to a major used car retailer which has just completed
an analysis of shifting colour preferences.
But although sales of white cars increased seven-fold in the six months to spring
2011, says ACF Car Finance Limited, the new chic shade still has a lot of catching
up to do.
Less than one percent of sales in the period were white, compared with the evergreen
favourite shades of silver (25 percent of sales), blue (25 percent) and black (21
However, the top trio of colours did fade slightly in popularity in ACF Car
Finance's most recent survey, and recorded an average of 10 percent fewer sales.
Colours gaining ground, in addition to white, include beige, gold and orange.
In the view of Leyton Cooper, Divisional Group Buying Manager, used car sales
provide a more accurate measure of changing tastes than colour preferences reported
by motor manufactures.
"A new car showroom which places its orders long in advance is often not in a
position to suddenly bring in additional quantities of a colour which is coming into
vogue," he said.
"But used car retailers can respond more quickly if, like ACF Car Finance, they are
buying from multiple sources around the country on a daily basis," added Leyton.
He thinks that the new trend towards white could be a follow-through from the "Apple Effect" following the introduction of pristine white iPods and iPads by the
computer company.
Although colour trends come and go, Leyton says, white may yet prove to have staying
"White doesn't show chips and scratches as readily, and can be more forgiving than
darker shades if you haven't been able to get out with a bucket and sponge for a
while," he says.
"White cars can also be more economical to run because they reflect the sun's
heat, rather than absorbing it as a darker colour does, meaning the air conditioning
can be used less during the summer months," Leyton points out.
More information about the company is available at
More press information from PR consultant Jon Boston on 01768 895 225
( or Marketing Manager Jane Whittle on 01244 625 683.
ACF Car Finance Limited ( is Britain's leading supplier of
high-quality used cars to people whose credit status might otherwise prevent them
from obtaining car finance. ACF Car
Finance has earned a strong reputation within the finance and motor industry for its
standards of customer care, and the quality of the friendly, professional advice
provided by members of its fully-trained team.
Contact Details: ACF Car Finance Limited. Registered in England number 4757280.
Registered office address: International House, Kingsfield Court, Chester
Business Park, Chester CH4 9RF.
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